On the 1st November, I hit the first anniversary of my first post on bookstagram! It's hard to believe it because I feel simultaneously that it's flown by, and also that it's been something I've been doing forever.
I started my blog a few years ago because I wanted a platform where I could share my thoughts on the books I read. I never had any enormous plans for it other than my own joy, and maybe connecting with one or two readers out there. Yet last year, my boyfriend convinced me that I should take it a step further and start my own book-based instagram account, to share even more personal content about why I love books so much.
It's been a crazy year. I've made so many friends online, and have really loved getting creative with what I've shared. If you're interested, you can find my account using the social media link to the right panel of my blog, or by searching for @theforeverbookworm on instagram.
I feel very different about my account than I did when I started it, and I wanted to share just a few key lessons I've learnt over my time running the account. Enjoy!
Lesson 1: Reading is something I need to try harder to make time for
Although I've always loved reading, it hasn't always been something that I've made a priority. As with everybody else, I've found that life has a habit of getting in the way. When I'm stressed from work, research deadlines for my studies, and trying to maintain social commitments, often the last thing in the world I want to do is stop and read.
However, one thing I've learnt from using this account, and especially over this year as well during lockdown, is that we have to find time for the things that bring us joy. Reading is something I have such a strong passion for, and even doing a little bit every day makes me incredibly happy, and makes me feel so fulfilled. Unlike many other people I've spoken to on bookstagram, I've never felt pressured to read more because of my account, but it has made me realise just how little time I actually make for it. I'm definitely going to try harder in the future to remember that reading makes me happy, and that in itself makes it a priority.
Lesson 2: Having a small passion project does wonders for your mental health
My boyfriend and I often talk about our lives and our feelings in great depth, and one of the subjects we always get onto is the importance of having a really fulfilling life. I think it's so important for each and every person to find what brings them joy, and to make sure they follow it.
My blog has been a source of passion and creativity for me for a number of years, and my bookstagram has only fuelled this even more. I absolutely love having a little side project that keeps me on my toes, and allows me to focus on something away from all the stresses of everyday life. Posting fun pictures of books has done wonders for my mental health, and I'd recommend that every single person finds their own passion project to pursue to break up monotony.
Lesson 3: Likes and follows definitely aren't everything
I think this is a really big one for anybody who runs a similar account to mine. When starting from absolutely nothing, it's incredibly easy to put too much energy into the amount of likes, comments and followers you get. I've been that person too, and found it incredibly disheartening when, for no apparent reason, these numbers suddenly decrease. It is so easy for all that hard work to feel like it's suddenly come to nothing.
However, I've also had a lot of time to reflect on what this actually means to me. Although it's wonderful to have consistently high engagement, it's definitely not why I started the account. I've seen so many other accounts grow in a much smaller amount of time, and I've also had the frustration that comes with wondering why that isn't happening to me. Yet I've also never taken part in engagement groups or tactics designed to improve my statistics. Everything has come from me.
I started the account as an outlet for myself to get creative and share content with similar minds, and I try to remember how fortunate I am to have so many people who genuinely care about what I have to say. If I receive just a single comment by somebody who has been inspired by one of my posts, that often means more to me than dozens of likes.
Lesson 4: It's important to post content you're passionate about
Another trap that I think it's easy to fall into is posting content that you think everybody else is going to like, even if it isn't something you're passionate about. It's easy to work out that big stacks of books get more likes than book reviews, and it's easy to post really pretty aesthetic book covers rather than those that are a little plainer.
I try to post pictures that make me happy, and this does include some very pretty ones. However, I also try to make sure to post reviews and updates about the books that I've read, even if they aren't very well known or popular. Posting about lesser known books has made for some really interesting conversations with other people who have read them, and posting unpopular opinions (though always respectful) I've often found has led to others feeling relieved to share theirs too!
Lesson 5: Being nerdy is cool
It's a classic stereotype that the nerdy girls are really uncool, but it is sadly one that has some basis on fact. In school, this wasn't a real problem for me, and I managed to get by happily. However, I have always felt like I had to keep a lot of my passions hidden, and especially my love of books, because I didn't think it would be seen to be very cool and I didn't want to be the source of any jokes.
As the years have passed since I left school and university, I've become more and more comfortable with exactly who I am and what I like. Starting my blog was a big step towards this, and starting my bookstagram account solidified this even more. To share my thoughts and know that hundreds of others share the same passion as me feels really amazing. I feel more comfortable than ever, and I'm really happy that I get the chance to express myself in this way.
So there we have it!
It's been a really fun year really finding my feet and getting creative on my very own bookstagram account. Now I've had it for a year, I can't believe it took me so long to start it! If you're thinking of starting your own account, I would definitely recommend it, because, as you can see, it really helps you to feel more confident and comfortable with exactly who you are.
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