Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. If you love reading, and discovering new books, you're definitely in the right place!
I'm Hannah, a 30 year old bookworm who lives in South Wales in the UK. Alongside working, I love to draw and paint, cook and bake, travel, and spend time with my cat, Lily. In a nutshell, I'm a huge nerd, and that's even when you don't consider my huge Hercule Poirot and Pride and Prejudice obsessions. For more about me, you can find my social media links down the side of my blog.
I spend an awful lot of time reading, and get so invested in plots and attached to characters, that I would always find myself disappointed when I didn't have anybody to discuss my opinions with. I decided that even if I have nobody to share my musings with face-to-face, there was bound to be other people out there who had read the same books as me, and I was just as keen to see what other readers thought. Hence, my blog was born.
If you love books as much as I do, then this is definitely one for you. Whether we share opinions on books or not, I would love to hear what you think of my reviews! However, you don't have to read a lot to enjoy my blog. If you're thinking of getting more into reading, hopefully you can find some inspiration in my posts, of books you might enjoy, or authors to look out for.
Either way, I hope you enjoy; and happy reading!
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