6 June 2020

30 Day Book Challenge // Day 6: A Book with a Character You Relate To

Day 6: A Book with a Character You Relate To

It's day 6 and I've today, instead of thinking about stories and genres, I'm thinking about characters. More specifically, characters that we relate to as readers. This is a really interesting one for me, because I think I relate to almost all characters on some level. That's the beauty of reading, isn't it? To connect with new characters and new worlds in such a way that they have an impact upon our lives.

I really did struggle to narrow down my wealth of choices. I agonised for quite a while, and finally narrowed it down to just a few. Let's look at which characters I chose...

The characters I chose are all very different and yet surprisingly similar as well. 

Rose Hathaway - Vampire Academy
How do I even begin to describe Rose Hathaway? Before I started reading the Vampire Academy series, I'd heard a lot of different things about the character of Rose. I knew I would either love her or hate her. Thankfully, I loved her! I think part of the reason for this was that I recognised a lot of similarities between us.

If I were to choose one word to describe Rose, it would definitely be fierce. She's strong, independent, and impulsive. I don't think I'm quite as bold and brash as she is, but I definitely have that independent streak, and the stubborn edge. When told to do something, Rose and I both get the urge to do the exact opposite! However, Rose is also vulnerable underneath that hard exterior, and I really relate to that. Most people who meet me would be really surprised by how sensitive I really am, as, like Rose, I prefer not to show it. Only those I truly trust get to see all of the different sides to me. 

Elizabeth Bennet - Pride and Prejudice
This one was a little bit of a no brainer for me. Pride and Prejudice is my favourite book of all time, and I think a large part of the reason for that is because I relate so heavily to the heroine of the book.

Elizabeth is headstrong (I know, I know, there's a theme here) and strubborn, and it takes a lot for her to change her mind once it is made up. She knows what she believes to be right and wrong, and she's quite rigid in this view. I think I definitely do stand too firmly by first impressions, because I'm very cautious about who I let into my life and into the lives of the people I care about. However, I also really relate to Elizabeth's more positive outlook on life. She isn't fazed at all by material things, instead really valuing nature, kindness, and the pureness of real relationships. I really love that about her, and like to think that I'm similar to her in that way.

Emiline - Swear On This Life
For my shame, I cannot remember the surname of Emiline in Swear On This Life, which really disappoints me. I took this book my holiday with me last summer, as it looked like a really nice summer read. I finished it pretty much in one sitting, because of the way it focused on love and relationships, and the way I related to it.

In the book, Emiline is stuck in a bit of a rut; her career is at the very beginning, she is in a relationship she has no real passion for, and she's dealing with a lot of baggage. However, when an old flame comes back into her life in an unexpected way, she finds it incredibly difficult to take the plunge and risk it all for the happiness she could have. Two years ago, I went through a similar situation. My relationship of about six years I knew to be over, but it was hard to accept that what I had invested so much time in was all for nothing. I finally found the courage to act on what I really wanted, and now, a couple of years later, I'm in an incredibly loving and fulfilling relationship with the perfect man. Reading this book for the first time, I had just entered this relationship, and the way I related to Emeline's struggles meant the book was, and still is, very special to me.

Hermione Granger - The Harry Potter Series
Okay, so this one is definitely not a surprise. I don't think there is a bookworm out there who does not relate to Hermione in some way. I do, probably even more so than most. I'm a Ravenclaw myself, and, like Hermione, I value learning and knowledge in the strongest of ways. I think education is one of the most valuable hobbies one can engage in, and I loved how Hermione embraced this part of herself. Despite the bullies, she was unashamedly who she was, and she was a real inspiration to me growing up.

If we're talking about the book series, I actually think I'm really a bit of a combination of Hermione and Ginny. I have a stubbornness and fierceness that Ginny shares, but I'm definitely not as bold as her. Instead, I share the ambitious, curious and more reclusive mind of Hermione that I think is really beautiful. I feel proud to call myself like her.

So there we have it! 

And that's just a few of the characters I could have picked. I have been shaped by the characters that I grew up with, and I'm really proud and grateful to be comparing myself to such strong, independent and intelligent woman.

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