5 June 2020

30 Day Book Challenge // Day 5: A Book of Your Favourite Genre

Day 5: A Book of Your Favourite Genre

When I put this challenge together, it seemed like the most obvious thing in the world to put this day in. A day where you think about your favourite genre. I love reading books from so many different genres that I figured this would be a really easy task. From crime to chick lit, historical fiction to YA, I thought I would have so many options that this day would be a doddle. 

The problem? It gave me too many options, and I really struggled to narrow them down. The genre I find the easiest to read is YA, because it's written often with an easy narrative. The most rewarding reads are often historical fiction, as I feel I'm learning during the process. Chick lit taps into my emotions, and my soft spot. Crime is the genre I've read the most of...

The genre I finally settled on, however, is YA fantasy/dystopian fiction.

It was the only option I could choose that didn't leave me feeling like it wasn't necessarily the right choice. The truth is that this genre is the one that really broadened my horizons when I was a teenager. I remember asking for the Divergent series for Christmas one year, and I fell in love with the style. I loved the way I connected with the characters and the carefully created world. I loved how it made me feel, both my emotions, and my confidence. It made me feel like I had found a place where I was at home. 

From there on, I sought out many more books. Other genres as well, but the books that most excited me were other series that had the ability to tap into those feelings that I had for so long locked away. The stack of books contains a few examples of other series that I loved, that have moved me, and that hold a special place in my heart.

Delirium taught me how much I love reading about love. Love stories are the best for tapping into my emotions. I feel everything so very deeply, both in the real world and in fiction, and this series showed me that reading about love could really fulfil my heart.

The Declaration was one of the earliest series of this nature that I read, and it opened my eyes to worlds that do not exist. The world Anna lives in is full of prejudice, corruption, and paranoia, and this series showed me how to use my mind to really consider what is just and right.

As well as what I've outlined above, Divergent, and most of all Tris, taught me to be brave.

The Selection taught me that being impulsive is okay, as long as you treat the people around you with kindness. It is okay to question the authorities, and more than anything, it is okay to follow your heart.

Finally, The Lunar Chronicles series, and Cinder, taught me to open my mind to the universe, and the wide range of possibilities out there. It also reminded me that every person has many sides, and does not always fit into the cookie cutter impression that we initially see.

These books have taught me so much, and have helped to make me into the person that I am today; a person who is determined to succeed, who is determined to question everything, and who is determined to fight for what is right. These books shaped my head and my heart, and I will forever be grateful to this genre of books for enriching my life and touching my heart with their special messages.

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