9 June 2020

30 Day Book Challenge // Day 9 : A Book with a Cover You Love

Day 9: A Book with a Cover You Love

Today it's all about judging a book by its cover! It's something that we definitely should not do, because a book cover does not necessarily reflect the story. However, we just can't help ourselves. There are so many books out there that it's impossible to peruse every single one, and so we pick up the ones that our eyes are drawn to.

There are a lot of covers I love. I have multiple beautiful editions of Pride and Prejudice, which is my favourite book, and numerous other books that I love looking at because of the way they look. For this challenge, however, I chose The Binding, by Bridget Collins.

For anyone who isn't sure what The Binding is about, here's the synopsis:

Books are dangerous things in Collins's alternate universe, a place vaguely reminiscent of 19th-century England. It's a world in which people visit book binders to rid themselves of painful or treacherous memories. Once their stories have been told and are bound between the pages of a book, the slate is wiped clean and their memories lose the power to hurt or haunt them. After having suffered some sort of mental collapse and no longer able to keep up with his farm chores, Emmett Farmer is sent to the workshop of one such binder to live and work as her apprentice. Leaving behind home and family, Emmett slowly regains his health while learning the binding trade. He is forbidden to enter the locked room where books are stored, so he spends many months marbling end pages, tooling leather book covers, and gilding edges. But his curiosity is piqued by the people who come and go from the inner sanctum, and the arrival of the lordly Lucian Darnay, with whom he senses a connection, changes everything.
Blurb taken from Goodreads.

I read The Binding earlier this year. I'd heard so many fantastic things about the story that I knew I had to get my hands on it, and I thought it was a really interesting read. It combines historical fiction with fantasy and creates a really unique story. If you've read the book and are interested in reading my review, you can find it here. 

I just love seeing this book on my shelf. It's dark yet vibrant in appearance, and I love the intricate details on the cover. It definitely adds some class to my shelves!

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